You’re either stupid or ignorant so I’ll try to help. The operative words are “consent” and “context”.
You’re either stupid or ignorant so I’ll try to help. The operative words are “consent” and “context”.
Buy her books! It gets weirder and more intense.
What changed is that Hannibal Burress did a bit. A man called Cosby a rapist and everyone took it seriously enough to share.
It’s worrisome when being a cop and attending an NFL game isn’t sufficient to make you feel manly.
It’s a distancing tactic. Muslim? Mentally ill? Oh, that’s why the horrible thing happened, it’s the bogeyman. Nothing I need to worry my beautiful middle class American mind about.
We haven’t gone back the right wing has just gotten more effective at completely shutting down access to abortion altogether.
Was that not able to be challenged? He was untouched and went OOB.
The announcers ended up saying the exact same thing, and they’ve been watching football their entire lives.
The refs saw a clear path to the tunnel and let the clock roooolllll.
Blowghazi it is.
At least you didn’t have to clean up the damn cow yourself.
So manly man “Superman” poses are OK, but dance like a girly “diva” and we’re coming down hard on you.
Without the first step there can be no recovery.
You still haven’t read my comment. If you find time to stop spewing insults maybe you’ll get to it.
(says the person who didn’t read my comment)
Sisterhood is abusive?
You still didn’t read my comment. Perhaps the actual dumbass is signaling you from the mirror.
The author of the post hasn’t read the book, people on the thread haven’t read the book. So many opinions about a book they haven’t read!
I’m “behind” because I asked a question asking for source material that you claimed to have?