
em... I usually like lifehacker. and all the tips so far on Evil week were cool. but this one is just rude. you speak about going green and stuff.. but now you just encouraging people being rude. it's tough enough for cyclists in some countries, where cycling is not a very common thing, it's tough enough without you,

"A kind word only goes so far, a kind word and a gun goes a lot further" Al Capone 1924

@MonkeyBiz: by "non-stick" i meant that if you put there some oil and heat it to the high enough temperature - it wont stick.(heck, even if it will, you can just scrape it of without worrying about anything)

@meseta: and 2% of people will go and check if the statistics are correct.

cast iron is the way to go. even Alton Brown recommends it.

any substitute for SquareTrade in UK?

@kellanpan: pick up a hitch-hiker !!!

@Zanzan42: little more info, please?

@31337h4ck3r: there was an add-on featured on LH few weeks ago. just search for it. it searches for email instantly. the only downside, that you may never know how trustworthy is it.

the only thing i am missing is language support. I need Russian package on android navigation. any ideas how to get it?

@moe52: I believe, you are forgetting dust??

just what I've said in my comment in article about end of it.

put stickers on velcro! this way you will have any sticker you want, and you will be able to swap them at any time!

@altcountryman: i've recon that's true. So I guess, I will have to buy a multitool in each country I stay for longer, or just post it to myself.

@bobeyjoe: thanks, eventhough it is difficult for me to realize and make a mental ship. :)

Code university should be cool!

@derilium: I was XP user for a long time, and as far as I can remember - it wasn't asking for password when you switch users in XP. If I am wrong - sorry for misleading.