D) Professor Robinson(William Hurt version)
D) Professor Robinson(William Hurt version)
That or it goes back to the Lake with Peter drowning and September and the Oberservers not existing?
*Clears throat*
Tron showed up in that one...when he says "I fight for the Users" and rams CLU...I just kept replaying that part. He's too badass.
Eh, I'm sure sure I can read your stories with their sarcasm like this.
Your comments, too amazing.
and I thought we had something
I understand that a White Knight hasn't appeared yet...but give it some time. It could definitely happen.
I'm really pissed off about 666 Park Avenue, I loved the show.
Martha Wayne from Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader: ""You don't get Heaven or Hell. Do you know the only reward you get for being Batman? You get to be Batman." "
At this point, I'd be fine with Aurora and Mulan having their own spin-off...as long as it was on Cinemax After Hours.
It was a great episode for Red being hot
It was fantastic, he bashed Firefly and then promotes it! Fabulous episode right off the bat
I thought that he was Bae at first, but now it just doesn't make sense to me...and I'm pretty sure that everyone is shipping Mulan/Sleep Beauty/Emma, or Mulan and everyone.
I don't like the repercussions of Peter becoming September but at the same time I'm kind of intrigued, but it would make no sense at all.
I woulda take a Harry Potter reboot tomorrow and its always awesome
I loved all 3 films(2nd one was always my favorite) but the train in 3 was just too legit. They need to reboot it, now!
Annalee I'm genuinely confused by the need for this article. Unsung masterpiece? This movie is downright revered!
This all seems pretty standard, I'm a Corporate Accountant and every Fortune 500 I've worked for has required a decision within 24 hours(with a drug test required in that same window)