I love 2) and 8) and would pay barrels of money to see either of those. Especially one with Mighty Mouse...maybe not even Supes though, just gritty Bruce Batman and Mighty Mouse...fucking fantastic.
Eh, that clip was kinda boring...woulda been nice if it all happened in 1 minute, not 5.
I'm looking forward to The Cult and 666 Park Avenue the most...Revolution could be good, but...eh, I don't know.
Sky High is awesome and I don't consider it a guilty pleasure, but some people might.
The trailer I saw before Spider-Man had a line I had never noticed before, but I recognized the trailer so I figured I'd just missed it before. It was him talking to Fox about coming out of retirement.
I put the sauce in the pot, put the pasta back in the pot, and then distribute that way so this is a step backwards for me.
While I've never been diagnosed with this, I would say I have it or the more severe version. My first non-preschool(although pre-school was for edumacation too) was a K-2 and on my first day as a kindergartener I choked out the 2nd grade bully...this continued on for like ages 5 - 12 ...I'm 25 now and in pretty good…
Honestly, I felt like I was watching The Notebook but with superheroes...besides Cyclops that is.
Seriously, look at all the great stories that Sue Dibny and The Elongated Man had...
Depends, are there zombies or just roving groups of bikers?
They're not gonna answer unless you phrase the question right...it's Merpeople or Merperson(s).
Okay, how about Zedmore travels to the Congo where he has to fight Silverback Gorilla Ghosts?
Yes, which isn't soon enough. Jurassic Park 4 shoulda been out 10 years ago.
Wreaks of it.
My launch Xbox console failed this March, and there were plenty of days of playing 20-30 hours straight...thing was a beast. Now I have the new one and I hate how sensitive the power and eject buttons are.
Not soon enough.
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No, look at my avatar! I still have my star! *hums in his head* la la la la la la la.
Did anyone else not get to say goodbye to their love at the Conduit Run? I just woke up like usual and killed the husks/Marauder