
But he was so good in Event me, it seemed like he was doing basic American accent and would slip into a Southern one at times.

Is it me or does Sam Neill change his accent like 2-3 times during the course of the show?

I think that what Sam Neill's character is doing works because its showing us that he has a hidden agenda and is, somewhat, playing both sides...and as for the team noticing them, aren't they? We don't know how many have shown up yet, or they mention something about not knowing when they would start.

It does suck being allergic to stuff, but I had a lot of problems when I was a child and had to go to the ER a lot for shots. I'm 24 now and most of it has died down due to heavy exposure. I can also say that I'm pretty fortunate that I only have a minor food allergy because those are pretty much the worst, save a

Mine have actually improved with age. When I was younger, after visiting houses that had cats or playing outside on a like a fall day with a lot of leaves it would pretty much mean a trip to the emergency room was needed. Now, pretty much nothing happens...maybe some congestion, maybe.

I'm deathly allergic to almost everything, if it isn't medicinal or food(unless it's Kale, which I eat anyway whenever I go to one of my favorite restaurants).

Legend of the Guardians is a pretty awesome movie, I made my 2 year old niece watch it(not the other way around) and had to rewatch it right away.

Well...I did happen to like Sucker Punch and while it did focus on the girls aesthetically, it also did empower the women. The women were the only positive female characters in the movie, the men were all terrible. The one man who is not a man because it's implied that he is an Angel and we have to assume he is

About Wesley Crusher...the only real good episodes with him were 1) Remember Me and 2) The Game.

I love watching old tapes almost exclusively for the commercials.

Is that the "bad looking" one? Because I'll take it, the Ba'ku ships normally look fine but there's one scene where its clearly a different shape of grey and maybe a cardboard cut out or something.

It looks great, unlike the Blu Ray and regular DVD "remasters" that Paramount released for Movies Insurrection they actually made the Ba'ku ships look worse.

Wow, I didn't even know that and I actually don't hate that version.(can you hate something that has Sting in it?)

For the first 2 or 3 episodes of the show I couldn't place where I knew him from and I refused to IMDB it, but then it finally clicked. He was a Maquis traitor, right?

Thanks and I was well aware of it...we also learned that she hated Snow White's father and Snow White(because Snow betrayed a secret of hers)...she never says anything about the mother and the chemistry between her and Rum/Regina and Gold is pretty good so one of those 2 choices is pretty good.

Is it sad that I immediately noticed that the old man/Zoso was this guy(Lon Suder) and not Grima Wormtongue?

Wow...that's actually pretty great.

When do we start taking bets that pre-Evil Queen was Rumpelstiltskin's wife?!?! (Inception Boom)

...he was a sacrifice that The Island...uh, I mean The Curse demanded?

I'm not sure that Lana Parilla as The Mayor is too attractive, but as The Evil Queen I woulda killed Snow White for her.