
By making a game that people love? Normally I'm all for Activision bashing but this comment makes no sense.

Really? Gotta get that Janeway hate in there?

I think that it would be similar to if a vampire had their invitation rescinded and was just kind of thrown out of the house, painlessly.

Because he died of old age, 50 years after Blade Runner took place because he was human.

Well I live in Bergen County, NJ...but I've been to the AMC in Lincoln Square and paid $6 for a matinee(but I haven't been there in about a year so I just checked it out online).

$6 on matinee shows everyday, otherwise $13 for me.

Judging by the main picture, I was sure you'd be showcasing the "Vulcan Death Kiss".

Because maybe that appear randomly and infrequently? There are plenty of ghost stories, infrequent among total number of people, so to say "they forget" assumes that they can control it.

Pluto Nash was amazing...he was the bad guy and the good guy....uh, non-crazy robot Randy Quaid.

Yeah I stopped buying them...and I regret the other CE's that I bought...simply don't have the room...for some reason I want to buy the Mass Effect 3 CE but at least its small.

So Bane's pulling a Tesla...nice.

I love the show, but those were pretty lousy scenes.

Sorry, only watched the Stargate movie and then like half of SG-1...I should probably catch up now that everythings canceled.

I AM HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THIS SHOW...but the one thing that pissed me off was that Maleficent would run over The Evil Queen. Every.Time.

I'm hoping that the snow in the Northeast will diminish my, already low, Trick or Treater traffic...I want this mainly because I don't like answering the door...and because I already ate over half the candy I bought for them.

For your sake I hope that she and your wife won't read this.

When I was a baby, I kind of looked like Vigo...I was also infinitely cute...seems like a paradox there but it worked somehow.

Event Horizon is an absolute favorite of mine.

Snape shoulda shot first, Avada Kedavra the hell out of everything that looked like a Horcrux.

I was hoping for 3 hours of Snape footage...too bad.