
I didn't really think it made sense. River discharging her gun making him not die caused Time to stop. So when they touch again and are back on the beach time has resumed. He still doesn't die so by what they established in the first go around, Time should stand still again. Or hell, he coulda used a person or object

No joke, this movie is a favorite of mine and I am very happy about this.

Jellicoe was in the 4/5 lights episode, that's legitimate.

I almost didn't recognize Eli Stone.

It is gonna be so awesome when The Tenth Doctor shows up to save the day.

Yeah, how exactly does this game play out? You still lose 90% of your people...

Kate shoulda said that her favorite comic book hero was "The Saint".

I would love for them to replay the episode where Inspector Spacetime traded in his Phonebooth for a Timedesk, such a tear jerker episode.

Maybe Einstein was misunderstood and was referring only to particles not already moving at the speed of light. Light moves at the speed of light.

Unless it's Zack and Miri 2, yes.

Seconded, I really enjoyed it. Plus it's nice to see Dylan Walsh getting some more screen time.

Yes the medical bay scene but I'm pretty sure there are one or two others. Don't they kill a few people to protect her?

I don't really mind the aliens protecting her, but the very basics of the story are a little too far fetched for me. These aliens seem to magically show up everywhere. They're pretty stealthy for being so huge.

I vehemently disagree about Star Trek Generations.

Assuming you don't have a DVR, then using a Xbox360 as your set top box is really going to increase the amount of power you're using.

Which one had the extended tidal wave/nuclear war? Was that Directors Cut?

Now to add Bombaata as their new Basketball coach... people seriously hate Ghostbuster 2? I've never heard of this before. Vigo and Jackie Wilson go great together...

Hopefully Ghostbuster 2 is offered in a double showing.

Plus he was so mean and short with Quellek up until the end and then he(if I remember correctly) he beat the guy who killed him to death.