
Yeah, they left because of the great seal famine...of course for a brief time after the seal famine but before they left, they ate potatoes and we all know how that turned out...

I love Uwe Boll, there was a movie I recently saw(and I've been trying to figure out what it was for a few weeks now, with the funniest line making fun of Uwe Boll(I'll post it if I ever remember)...I think it involved a Nazi toy factory? But no, it's not All the Queen's Men though.

Actually related to The Final Destination...that death, where the guy is sucked to the bottom of the pool and kept there by the filter...I didn't realize those actually happen. []

Well those are always the comments he makes though...

The pea v. sun one, assuming that you can slice it into an infinite number of pieces and the original pea sized ball is a solid, then you could do it...although the resulting sun sized ball would be infinitely thing, although theoretically and plausibly possible(but now with our technology, obviously)

Aren't you always a dick? I remember like a year ago we explained grappa in 2 different ways, you claimed to make grappa with your grandparents and then explained it entirely wrong...good times.

They should have released this the day after we got Osama(Obama if you're Fox News). It would have made $1 billion in 1 day.

Yeah but they're also helping smaller companies without capital get a good deal so that they can continue to innovate. Apple used to make their own processors but now they rely on others(if you exclude Arm) so it's good that they do this, everyone is reverse engineering anyway so it's not like it has terrible effects.

You know my first computer was an Apple I got in 1992, then I switched to Windows(3.1) and then started buying both at the same time...I was always a little upset that the Newton didn't take off.

This sounds subtly reminiscent of Windows 3.1...

Or maybe a time ship crash landed 30 years ago and Steve Jobs has been reverse engineering the stuff ever since...(I'm looking at you Braxton)

Not necessarily, if he's building a time machine for future tech, instead of say to save a dying loved one then by delivering it to himself in the past(at a point at which he is already trying to deliver future tech) then it might not actually violate causality.

You can't stop Flitwick from saving Elora Danan.

Ahhh back in the NES, SNES days the game manuals always came with like 2-3 pages for notes and they were always filled up when I was done(you know, with passcodes to level skip and stuff)...good times, good times...

Internet in 1998? Damn, I got Cable in 1999...

As a DC fanboy, I can readily agree with that.

Sorry but I think Flash and Wonder Woman would be horrible ideas, as would Justice League...Justice Society features clientele that the average person is less familiar with and(I think) will therefore be less critical of, so I think that would work best...but I would still say none.

Oh...I thought the Dreamcast failed because of it's horrible controller and general lack of games.

togovero is right though, Apple makes far more from iPads, iPhones(subsidies) and iPods, then through their computers...and I imagine that most of us who have been buying their computers for 20 years don't even like the actual computer anymore...

Oh just leave them alone...