
Star Tours is, by itself, superior to all of Firefly and Serenity.

For some reason I read this as "Ten cars that look like they were dragoned by aliens"

ummm, which ones exactly?

This list is very questionable to me, other then Madeline Kahn, always a great performance from her.

Seriously, Errol Flynn don't need anything else other then Errol Flynn(but God did he always work with great composers).

I don't buy into this one, just like I never bought into "those older kids are smoking, so cigarettes are cool" thing.

Sorry thought you said Inner Space.

Depends on what kind of wormhole. We don't want to create a wormhole in space per se, but a wormhole through space. By that I mean we construct a warp gate that has to be manually opened very similar to Stargate so that we can prevent others from using it. Sure, this would mean that the first time we open it it could

Oh okay, explains quite a bit. Otherwise it's like, give the whole movie away.

Thats great but I hope you don't rely on those methods entirely. On interviews, I expect people to be able to do linear regression both in Excel and by hand.

"thanks to Jon Pertwee"? You're not supposed to be afraid of the actual Doctor, and he's rather funny looking so how could you be scared?

I hope that persons a zombie...

Does Seven Days count? They were averting disasters, detectivish.

So they're still not bringing back Gilmore Girls? I heard someone call Gossip Girl GG the other night and had to yell at them. Gilmore Girls is GG, don't let the show die!

Thanks, I just wanted to see what it looked like.

I go to and it takes me to the full site, is there a link for the mobile one I can go to?

Everything works perfectly for me, you must be on an L2.

Do coffee grinds do this? Tea trumps coffee either way.

Are iPads not considered mobile devices? I continue to have the full site on my iPad...

No Dark Shadows love?