
This game is getting so much hype. The haters are actually giving this game more attention. Like I never seen a bunch of mouth frothers try so hard to sound like scholars. LoL

I didn't reply to you first, maybe learn to read? Or is another robbery happening in your town right now? Maybe you should go be a cop.

Im not a politician or a teacher, so no I don’t need to tell you anything on a gaming site about an article about a shitty show.

The reference is that you live in a fictional world where Hobbes and Shaw exist.

Thanks for the reminder that I need to finish Freedom Cry. I couldn't get into it at first since it was a little heavy. But something about assassinating space traders is kinda on point.

And You have FAILED to give me a percentage of successful attempts at thwarting crime compared to deaths and incidents of brutality and mistaken arrests. Say hi to Hobbes&Shaw for me.

Maybe you're oblivious to the overall issues going on these days. But you certainly sound afraid to offer any sort of change. 

Like normally, you obtain evidence and bring it to the proper channels. That’s what police are supposed to do already.

And my original reply is to say that societal issues can be quelled by doing more than just throwing more cash at the police force. It would benefit everyone to actually think and try harder. We can still have armed forces, but maybe not have them show up for non-violent crimes? Throwing around ideas is still more help

This show still at thing? I barely made it through one episode, it's so outdated.

If you think we have a fully functioning society, then why are you even complaining? To you everything has just been fine then. LoL

Wow, you know robberies are related to poverty right? Are you saying solving poverty is a fantasy? Humans are capable of so much more.

It’s obviously a serious question because police can’t seem to solve these issues with bullets and cuffs.

How many physical confrontations are there on average? What is the percentage of cops that successfully de-escalate or accurately convict culprits?

The idea IS going away. That’s the point. Cops’s jobs can mostly be done by other occupations that don’t have guns or handcuffs.

Honeydew melons are more delicious. 

What a stupid joke, he must be stupid. I hope he feels stupid.

Nah, the Vanillaware games are still best experienced on the Vita. +the exclusive content.

My first VanillaWare game that I won't have on the Vita ; ;

Wow, not buying a GameCube has finally paid off!