Why is Lindsey lohan not in jail? Srsly, if she wasn't a famous white chick, she would have been in jail ages ago.
Why is Lindsey lohan not in jail? Srsly, if she wasn't a famous white chick, she would have been in jail ages ago.
1, NOOOO Don't take my parks and rec away from me!!!! and omg diva is my favorite.
When I was 19, I had broken my nose. I went to see a female ENT dr for the BROKEN nose. She comes in, looks at me, and asks if I ever had my thyroid tested because I'm SO HUGE AND FAT. I was pissed, because I was there for a broken nose, not to tell me how disgusting I am.
Let's hope he goes for edith and not mary. All the men Mary sleep with tend to end up dead.
I was thinking mushroom gravy....:/
thats what i was wondering
IT WASNT JUST ME! it's weird.
this, a million times. Home schooling is pretty awesome, and people like to make it all evil and only molesters homeschool.
I was home-schooled, so were a lot of my friends. Home schooling isn't the evil you are playing it out to be.
How is Josh Groban so adorable and funny?
Dear hanson, I am so so so sorry I ever made fun of mmbop. Compared to this, you are awesome.
that would make me one too, because ugh. I realllly hope they weren't having sex.
I thought I heard of another one too?
Doesn't he have a history of giving up/giving away his pets? It's weird.
He's pretty and all, but I just can't seem to be attracted to him. He seems to be not the brightest bulb in the box.
Is it me or does Jennifer garner look pregnant in those photos?
Why are they always blue? There are other colours, you know.
The birth defect rate is doubled in first cousin marriages. from 2% to 4%, it's not a huge increase. As long as everyone doesn't go and sex up their cousin at the Family Reunion, it really isn't that much of a problem.