Well guess I was projecting. I like to think I was a nice considerate kid but that probably between bouts of pure horror. Also I must have absolutely misread your post which makes my original intentionally light hearted post not make much sense.
Well guess I was projecting. I like to think I was a nice considerate kid but that probably between bouts of pure horror. Also I must have absolutely misread your post which makes my original intentionally light hearted post not make much sense.
Something tells me your mother noticed and had a moment where she quietly said “yup, not so fun is it? “.
Nope, that is exactly what you need to say!!
That is when you interrupt and say, excuse me? Your law degree came from where again?..........
Too bad I wasn’t there. I have absolutely no fucks to give telling other peoples kids to behave if no one else is going to. And mansplaining? Fuck that shit and that asshole you put in their place. Good for you....I raise my wine glass high to you!
You must not have children
< After reading your story, you brave soul:
So do 99% of the adults I know.
You’re not being dickish. You passed the bar TWICE. That’s awesome. I’ve known a lot of seasoned lawyers who have wanted to move but didn’t because they were like “I’m not taking the bar in California. I’m just not.”
Congrats on the NY bar!
Hellen Keller. That’s what we call it when children run around the table grabbing shit.
Kids like boundaries and calmness and consistency. I don’t know why this is still a mystery.
When I went to dinner with my friend from high school apparently. Her (slightly older) daughter ran around the table, played video games with the sound on, and loudly demanded her mother’s attention every three minutes. It was freaking exhausting.
They do need to create tests.
I was actually up in MA for Thanksgiving and I saw a news report that was really interesting: someone in law enforcement pointed out that if you’re high you’re impaired and you shouldn’t be driving, but unlike with alcohol there are no limits, and even if there were the testing is notoriously unreliable, and even if…
Admittedly, I was being a bit dickish, especially since I haven’t practiced in the state in which I was originally licensed in a few years, and I JUST got sworn in in my current jurisdiction (NY) on Nov. 9. Oh well sorrynotsorry.
This all day. I had so many arguments with people who I’m fairly sure didn’t even cast a vote. To me that’s a vote for Trump so.....arhgggg !!!!
Thakksgiving went off without a hitch here. Mostly I enjoyed my mom’s bitchin’ vegan interpretations of turkey (go tofurkey!) and pecan pie (other vegan mashables!) and I kept to myself. Still managed to hear my uncle and my dad talk about how they teased all the Irish people they worked with that they were about to…
congrats on NY!
Unrelated, would someone please explain to me when it became acceptable to let a 7 year old and a 5 year old run around the dinner table during the meal?