
I like it, but I wish there were an option for a more compact interface, so those of us with ancient (4S ;) ) phones could see more messages at a time. I also wish they wouldn't do the "Sent with" branding, although I understand their reasons. It looks like a really good start though.

I hate it when people who pirate (steal) software open their mouths, because that is NOT what jailbreaking is for. Most of us jailbreak so we can use our devices the way we want to, and we pay the developers who make that possible. Sure, it would be nice to be have trials for all apps, but that doesn't make it ok to

Is there a script that keeps track of where in your feed you left off, like Tweetbot does for Twitter? That would be really useful, since I mostly use Google+ as a feed reader.

I think I've mentioned them here before, but I live by an app called Due for iOS. (It's also available for Mac, but I don't have one.) I think it's $4.99 universal for iOS, and it's so worth it. It's a reminders app more than a calendar app, and a really good one.

Looks like they did. That sucks; I thought it was really useful. Hopefully there's a FF addon to do something similar. ;)

I use Ghostery as well as Disconnect, because when I look at what they're blocking, they seem to be different things. (Although Disconnect is a little vague about what requests it's blocking, since it just says "Facebook," "Google," etc.)

I also like how you can rearrange the sections. Very nice.

I love the DINAJ skin. Although I had to bump up the "Cold" temperature in settings because I'm *always* cold. :D

My family got a VIC-20 sometime in the mid-80's, so that's the one I voted based on. I remember painstakingly typing in numerous lines of gibberish, i.e., code (I wonder what kind of code it was?) to make the computer display a picture in ASCII, and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. And Snake, of course.

I've been using it since you guys originally featured it, and I love it.

I read an interview (sorry that I've forgotten where) that was conducted not too long ago with the man Cheney shot. The interviewer asked if Cheney apologized, and the man sort of hemmed and hawed and ducked and dodged, but it was clear Cheney did not apologize.

Oh, Amazon had better not screw up Goodreads. They haven't screwed up Zappo's, so I'll hold out hope.

Am I the only one who can't use RSS readers? It's just too much information on one page for my brain to handle. Plus, I know I'll never finish reading everything, and that drives me crazy. Or I'll wind up with 80 tabs open, and that's the point when I'll just shut down the browser out of sheer nightmarishness. I'd

Even though I'm jailbroken, I may have to give this a try.

Haven't tried this Sunrise yet, but I love Cue. I love having everything in one place.

It's also called (probably better known as) Tab Groups. I've looked at it but never used it. But that's probably because I get itchy if I have more than 4 tabs open. ;)

I have ~170, and that's after a restore. I blame reddit.

Thanks! I'll have to check it out. :)

Ah, OK. Thank you!

OK, I feel really stupid. I don't see a "Path" line under Properties. Does anyone feel like telling me where in the image I should be looking?