@maven2k: you are not at all. I use both and still prefer 7. 7 is just so fluid and too easy to use. Thats probably my only neg on 7. They made it too friendly.
@maven2k: you are not at all. I use both and still prefer 7. 7 is just so fluid and too easy to use. Thats probably my only neg on 7. They made it too friendly.
he is looking at the camera the whole time lol.
Androids momentum is only what it is becuase it's available on t-mobile, at&t and the nations largest mobile provider Verizon. Not to mention the varitety of phones it has as well. I'm a bigger fan of windows 7 and can't wait for it's release. But if IOS was available on on three networks plus had more than one had…
@Ryan_Long: U replied as if this was Steve Jobs blog and he's actually going to read it. Lol.
No biggie. He only makes 44 dollars an hour. But he looks like he enjoys it. So good for him. But what he needs to do is maximize profits by training a few lackeys and paying them 15 bucks per hour and work on 10 cars at a time. Now the money is rolling in.
@Kevin Hulett: Can't be late to a game that never ends. Phones, apps will be apart of this world for a long time. So if the make something worth having. People could always jump ship. I for one cannot wait till win7 mobile comes out. But i do like apples idea of only on phone maker. I don't like the thought of 8…
@Robert Wright: I dint understand the big deal. Virtually anything will fix this antenna issue. As long is it's something between the phone and your hand that doesn't cause the antenna to be grounded.
@dennis636223: It would be a big problem if apple did nothing to fix it. Is it ok to release a half ass product and say, "it's a software problem?" Wow great work from what many fan boys claim to be the best OS alibe. lol 2M phones purchased. Equates to 400M in hardware sales not to mention residual from data and…
They are actually announcing a new product. Iphone 4 power glove!
@TD99: What a douche Hobs is. Just go ahead and say i'm sorry! I'm waiting for the windows 7 Monile ship.
I can't wait to sell my iPad and get a windows 7 tablet. I cant print, I can't watch any video format from say a USB stick, I can't have flash, no simple torrent options, no newss srver download. I want something more desktop like that is as portable and simple as the iPad. I hate not having the ability of a simple…
One of the funniest futurama ever!
@apj: 212??? Gazelle ripped u good. Hopefully it wasn't for a 32gb 3GS
looks fine to me. Had a sliding rotation action to it. I'm sure phone is more than fine.