Ifailedcalculus (aka bob3rt)

I fucking hate those military reunions. They always make me think of the times I returned from Iraq or Afghanistan. Being a single soldier, you know there is nobody waiting for you at the little reunion ceremony they have when you get off the planes and arrive at the base. You have to wait forever for the ceremony,

You're a better man than me.

look in the play store there are a few apps that let you assign specific colors to certain apps. Problem solved. I use Light Manager

Hahaha, yes. I'm obsessed with commas now.

$57,000 and a salvage title?

"10 Cars that Guys/Girls on Jalopnik Would Date Instead of You"

The Denialists.

I find the idea of dedicating such a huge portion of my life to my work to be rather horrifying (I'm a big fan of 40-hour work weeks, even though I do love my work), but I understand that not everyone's like me.

The core of your piece, the sleep cycle itself rather than the work habits, makes some decent sense to me.

Yeah, very reminiscent of the Ray Kroc quote, "If any of my competitors were drowning, I'd stick a hose in their mouth and turn on the water."

That sort of mentality just....ugh.

I like reading about different sleep cycles, but I am not a fan of the alpha-dog aggressive hyper-masculine attitude that this article is dripping with.

You should still close your streams and disposable objects in C#, but yeah, the memory management part of C is MUCH tougher since you basically have to do everything.

I'm a little surprised cloudy vs. clear urine wasn't addressed here. Cloudy urine can also indicate excess protein, as well as a possible infection like a UTI, and is something to watch out for if you're pregnant (which I currently am). BTW, UTI antibiotics will turn your pee a dark orange (had one in high school).

It's "molto buono" (very good), "molto bene" means "very well" ;)

You can take your matlab, go into a dark corner, and shove it up your own ass while you cry in shame for using such an awful program.

I have to admit, my DV7 was fine for the first 2 years, but after that developed the Sandy Bridge/Cougar Point SATA issue that HP were not remotely interested in resolving, even though they had documentation on their website instructing people to contact them for replacement board as soon as issues arose! I am

Alt-Tabbing is done via a Key-Combination. If Skype causes me to minimize my game, or a mod manager crashes causing the same result, that is called ASAD, App-Stealing-Attention-Disorder. I'm looking at you, iTunes.

Wait wait hold up. Why the hell would I want a replica of Robb Starks sword? It isn't even valyrian steel!! Give me Longclaw, give me needle, hell give me Ice oathkeeper or widow's wail.

Winamp really whipped the llama's ass... but in the long run I guess the llama wins.

I'd add to this another big mistake: thinking a person can get anywhere by making only the minimum payment. Yes it's better than nothing now and then, and will keep a person from being reported as late. But paying only the minimum guarantees a far longer repayment period, and with far higher total interest costs.

If he had the steam overlay, he wouldn't be alt tabbing sir.