There was none of this. it was more along the lines of, so what happens to this ball (that he has twirling on a string) as is speeds up, slows down. What does Torque (non-boob) look like? What are these forces.
There was none of this. it was more along the lines of, so what happens to this ball (that he has twirling on a string) as is speeds up, slows down. What does Torque (non-boob) look like? What are these forces.
tbh it wasn't all his fault I still like it, but I don't care for touching numbers anymore. it was more along the lines of his teaching methodology than him really killing my interest in the subject.
I fully endorse this and will come out of mathematics retirement to do measurements. For science.
See what really makes it good for posture is that even though it's a cubicle it's one of those triangle ones and it's pretty spread out, and my tower is underneath, and since I'm in the corner I have made a really bad habit of kicking my shoes off and stretching out my legs over my PC while I work. sometimes I switch…
...wait you mean you can't multiply that by feet? D=
of course! I was just testing you ;). Of course we're using kg in this formula! Newton-meters this up then! Off to find candidates! FOR SCIENCE!
tell me by mass, are we using metric units? Either way that gave me a flurry of emotions all ranging in many areas, but mostly got a chuckle and a faint smile. Take a star because I am not sharing my cookies.
As a physicist, is there an equation for the amount of downward force boobs place on your back/posture? =p No seriously, is there?
The cubicle isn't that elevated, it's that the chair reclines back a redonkculous amount.
sometimes I even have an issue with just a stall, but only if there's someone in the stall next to me.
So true. When I used to work in the detail department at my dad's dealership the WORST customers were those who had some type of religious stuff on their car. It's like because they are all religious and everyone knows it they feel entitled to be a dick.
Drinks as in alcohol? I don't drink, and I don't go out either. I'm a pretty rigid IxxJ (MBTI type) so I am pretty introverted unless I really trust folks.
Only had PE one year for half a semester. Showers weren't mandatory and it was in the morning you didn't have to run, just walk, and stretching. Other than that. Didn't need to worry. we DID have to change though although I was strangely okay with this. As I hoped no one went to HS commando. Also I never ever had to…
Training. Lots of training. I remember one time I got stuck in a stall at work for like 10 minutes because of the constant flow of people going in and out of the bathrooms. There's only 2 stalls and a urinal and we have > 12 male employees.
Thanks for the advice Melanie, but unfortunately I am still too shy as a grown man to use a urinal at all, or go in public for that matter.
2005! Senior year in high school I had an LG. IT WAS A FLIP PHONE.
Very true. I've thought about this more and more lately since I've almost been working a year now and I feel comfortable as a salaried employee. I still work 9-5, and no I don't take lunch. However I've been thinking more and more about a later work schedule like 10-6, or either when I can't sleep just come in the…
I don't know which is funnier: