
Its not an invasion of privacy if she agreed to be interviewed. Not if it was some rando on the internet spending hours to track her social media profiles, then yes that could be seen as an invasion of privacy

Thank you for the dose of humanity I needed today!!

This was beautiful

Sass detected!

And you’re more than welcome to criticize that! (Personally, I loved Skyrim to death but was realllly disappointed by Fallout 4.) I’m just hoping to explain to people what an engine actually is and why there’s no reason to panic when you see headlines like “Bethesda won’t change its engine for TESVI.”

While I highly appreciate your reporting and every point you make in this article is sound, that doesn’t change the fact that every Bethesda game since oblivion looks and feels like oblivion and those of us who played oblivion to the ground in 2008 are getting tired of playing oblivion for the nth time in 2018.

Yep, bland and interchangeable.  That’s Overwatch’s cast of characters all right.  *Eye rolls so hard I die*

There’s an important distinction to be made here between a leaker and a journalist. When someone leaks a document to the journalist, it’s entirely the journalist’s prerogative whether or not they want to report on that. They have not signed any NDAs and have no obligation to protect companies’ secrets. In fact, a

Things like this really highlight the odd ecosystems that exist in this industry. DBM has been pretty much mandatory for players engaging with the endgame for over a decade and yet the developer creating it exists outside of the game’s profit structure. A person working on a key component of the game that receives

Git Gud. That’s what I had to do to get Thorn and Chaperone in D1. It’s all part of the grind, but I actually enjoyed the challenge once I started to get better at PvP.

There have been exotics that require PVP since year 1.  Get over it.

I would say, judging by the size of their pupils, that the first and second cats are pretty chill with their hats. It’s that last one, in the Dedede hat, that’s going to murder someone.

I love this, it’s one thing when a game adds content that ends up affecting the entire gameworld and it’s storyline, like with the various events that have happened in Fortnite, but it’s quite another when it’s tied to players actively triggering said event.Congrats to Clan Redeem for being the first.

Aside from the avenue through which Dr. Disrespect became popular, nothing about this story couldn’t happen offline. Shooting a house in order to intimidate someone (or just because) is an old American tradition.

Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

The one thing I’m not sure of is the return of the planet resource system for infusing. Now that there are 7 patrol zones (EDZ, Titan, Nessus, Io, Mercury, Mars, and Tangled Shore), it’ll take almost two months for Flashpoints to rotate through. The thing is that having Flashpoints seems to make getting resources

It’s so good. Having a ton of fun again. 

Remember folks, Destiny is the game where all the people in the comments saying they’ll never play again because the game is trash are playing RIGHT NOW.

It think it’s dynamite. Real talk: there’s a lot of folks who say that Max Payne 3 was bad or somehow not a good Max Payne game and I just don’t get it. It’s Rockstar’s best game after Red Dead Redemption.

Anyone else remember when pop stars sold music by making good records rather than soap operas and instagram feuds?