Omg. It was planned all along.
Omg. It was planned all along.
Cheaters just want to be the very best, like every other cheater is.
Nummetra sounds like an erectile disfunction pill.
KoF is very popular in Mexico, so, KoF instead of SF might not be a big stretch.
Sombra is a Street Fighter player, D.Va likes smash. They separate like oil and water.
i love these.
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.
But I’m so glad we didn’t elect a lady who doesn’t know how to email well.
Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.
Right now I play modern and standard exclusively. Modern is Blue/Green Infect, and I am still playing the RB Aggro deck in Standard I took to GP Providence and Day 2'd with.
The current set is pretty fun if you like sealed and/or draft events. I got back into competitively about 3 years ago and I’m still digging it.
Sadly I dropped off right around the card redesign. Since then I’ve gone to two or three events and had fun (sealed especially, because I don’t have to make tough decisions about card pools I don’t know). Always up for a casual game with friends though, still have a shitty UB control deck lying around my apartment.
Giri, do you still play? What formats/decks?
No consoles! Mwahahaha (evil laugh).
Not at all the case, I play 10-20 hours a week, and solely PvE content. The staying power is the fact that it’s an incredible game, PvP or PvE.