That would be such an amazing, unbelievable project. I feel like Porsche would feel ever so slightly intimidated it they saw one of these things built into a real luxury machine with their own parts.
That would be such an amazing, unbelievable project. I feel like Porsche would feel ever so slightly intimidated it they saw one of these things built into a real luxury machine with their own parts.
If they made this, within five years whatever it came with wouldn't matter anyways. They could neuter a PRV engine and it would be amazing.
But that is exactly why I desire a diesel! It's unexpected, and could use some pretty nifty and shockingly easy modifications as well. One way or another you would have to rip out the entire suspension because it needs some profound modernization, but hell, since we're dreaming anyways, why not?
...Actually that's a stock image from Wikipedia, and exactly what they look like.
I've actually ridden in one (Not the 700, but the pre-facelift version) and I have to say I find the claim of their ability to safely go to 145 rather dubious, to be frank. The engine in your video is a massive scale build off of the original engine, but God only knows what they had to fabricate themselves and/or jury…
That's not really the "final evolution", which I would describe as the last factory based improvement.
They're just pretty. I think they would be even more attractive without the corporate sponsored liveries, and probably more interesting too, but these things must be brutally expensive.
The Tatra actually only made 165 by most checks. It's the same engine as the one before it, really. Where on earth did you see a reliable check that showed 400? From what I understand of the engine, that really shouldn't even be possible.
Actually I'm pretty sure it's because Detroit is now considered a third world county of it's own, despite being a part of the United States.
That earned a sincere lol.
Even if he were passed, people would still think the act entirely awesome. This is largely because it was entirely awesome.
Congratulations; you win the internet.
Good Lord God I want to swap something into that. Something that just shouldn't go there...
I'm just happy that the thing looks different, really. Any body design that moves in a different direction than the body language of other companies ("Quick! Copy the Germans!") is something I call friend.
Amen. The Cadillac Cimarron is a craptastic classic.
That sounds absolutely amazing. I've always suspected that the requirement to use much of a predecessor's parts machining would require designers to overlook more bizarre engine versions. This tiny little engine sounds like a mean mix of a throaty American V8 and an angry little Porsche.