
But you do post on Kinja, which will undoubtedly be next

Of course he decommitted. Can’t go somewhere that’s going to be doing everything by the books for the next few years at least.

You are a better person than I for having the patience to point out that this line of argumentation pretty much admits to Kaepernick being unsigned more for off-field (re: bullshit) reasons than on-field (re: also bullshit) ones.

Guys, do an article on the fact that GoPro stole this footage from another YouTuber without permission and the fact that it was sponsored by Suburu as well. The entire comment section is blowing up about it. Here is the original Devinsupertramp video -

Take care Florida. Don’t be proud or stubborn. Be safe.

No, she understands rather well - it may be good business sense, but it’s also complete fucking bullshit.

That was shocking! Hillrods drink Lagunitas! Who knew?

Duh, it’s Europe. It’s probably a METRIC under 23 match.

I’m a black, millenial male, and 2017 has been absolutely demoralizing. All my life I’ve sincerely believed racism is a thing of the past, the only ones still clinging to white supremacy were dying off, the future was rosy. Even DJTs rise didn’t trouble me as much because he still lost the popular vote and the youth

I blame both sides

leave my boy Clint Dempsey out of this, buddy

Little looks like every single white cop under 40.

No one likes your comment. Sad!

Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...

Like some sort of ban?

“Look. I like you. But you’re, like, a 4 out of 10. That’s not good enough to beat spicey’s ratings. Definitely not. So you need to get up to at least a 6 out of 10. Hit the gym, cut back on the McDees, tan every once and a while...you know. Actually care about your body and appearance. Unlike now. Where you obviously

Mark my words. This little motherfucker is going to kill one of those White Walker giants.