
At the apex of her first jump, I’m pretty confident in saying her hips are at least 6 1/2 to 7ft off the ground.

Sure, the floor may have some bounce to it but still, I don’t think that’s in the realm of being ridiculous to think this out loud.

I’ve been looking for some references to this but can anyone tell me if she can clear 8ft. .46inc(2.45m) if not, how close she is? That’s the world record in high jump and I’m super curious as to how high her hips get.

Spicy? What the fuck does that supposed to mean.

No shit I’m angry.

But at least no one can accuse me of making the life choice of voting against my interest when you’re clearly not in the bracket to benefit from this admin’s stupid fiscal policies.

Thank you and...

Go the the 12th minute of this video.

Does not disappoint.

Wait, is that the actual photo they released or did you just work that up?

Oh you stupid stupid fucking boy who most likely describes himself as “Fiscally conservative, yet socially liberal”.

Yeah, they bought a seat at the stands, buddy.

Not his bedside.

Ichirio’s the type of player that would have ended this slow pitch shenanigans.

This was the secret.

Can someone explain to me why it’s that hard to hit a slow pitch?

It also doesn’t help that these guys are taking massive cuts on a slow pitch.

Yeah, that last sentence was straight trash.

hm, we’ve seen a thing or two.

+1 assault charge.

Also not everyone likes the caramelization and “crispy” flavor, so YMMV.”

I don’t believe that. Like, flat out lie. If someone tells me this and I start asking questions, that person will realize what they don’t like is not what they say they don’t like.

“searing” is just another word for caramelizing. Searing as it’s known definition is a farce.

Actually, you get put in the goal for 5. Or shall I say, back of the......

I thought those were called “American Patriots”. 

First, the surface you’re looking to disinfect needs to be wet with the solution for the ingredients to work. Secondly, the amount of time it needs to kill what you want gone while its wet is A LOT longer than you think, think roughly 30 seconds to 10 minutes depending on what you want killed and what type of