
Are those 14% wines from Cali or US in general?

Apparently very hard.

Part of my action funnels down to less gun related crimes in my state of New York. Crime happens, but I don’t rely on thoughts and prayers in decreasing gun related crimes. Neither did I ever say my actions will stop gun crimes. I hope it decreases the chances of happening. See? That’s not too hard, is it?

People send thoughts and prayers because there’s a problem and it doesn’t fix the problem. This is why prayers is the grand symbol of a useless gesture to those who see tangible work being the only solution to not have to send “thoughts and prayers”. Like you said, it doesn’t stop a single bullet and that’s why I have

Not part taking in gun culture. Giving to politicians that support comprehensive gun control.

To a dead person, clearly the prayers didn’t help.

None here said they can’t.

We’re all just collectively saying it’s pointless, ineffective and a grand fucking waste of time.

You choose to believe in a religion, like a certain leaning in politics. The ones you mentioned are how they are born, thus making it a false equivalency.

When did a thought and prayer stop a kid from getting shot in a school?

Let me know.

You fucking saint.

Discussion on what?

I don’t want to find out how hellish prison can be.

That’s why I don’t act like a massive arrogant prick that is Martin Shkreli.

Did you skip over the “we didn’t evolve” part?

Here I am, as some newbie ass naturalized American of Japanese decent who can speak and write japanese, reading her last name and thinking, “well, that’s a new African last name I haven’t heard”.

Coin lockers in Japan are fucking amazing. They’re usually like 800 for THREE fucking days.

Aren’t all of these questions illegal?

I wouldn’t worry about him making a jacket out of you.

Don’t do this.

“He knew it wasn’t right but said nothing.”

Can’t he be fired without cause if he’s denying it?