
Seems like the dogs new something was up.

Besides the potential price consequences, do you have other terrifying thoughts as to why this is bad? Say, control of data?

“I told them it was immaculate, and they took it the wrong way, but whatevs”

A martini on the rocks is...a martini on the rocks and nothing is worse than watered down vodka or gin.

Pulisic with that confident smile after his second goal is a thing of a beauty.

I’m there with you.

Is that the number of.....[googles events form 2001]......

For fuck sakes Canadians, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IN TO THIS BULL SHIT.

Hey, dumbass.

I quit the Democrate when they said I would get a monthly subscription to the best Latte’s around town. I had a sip of the first one and it was actually a cappuccino. Fucking liars.

More like Day Clubbing, amirite??

They attended the School of Messi Taxes

Nice try with the comment. The white guy is, well, a white terrorist.

Not to say Stripling is a small guy(6'3 210lbs) but then again, Stanton is 6'6 245 and is a walking bicep muscle.

“nothing we hate more than anyone insinuating we might possibly be homosexual.”

Hm, that’s also wrong.

32 year old male here.

Nope. Never have and never will.

You don’t understand how media and advertisements work, do you?

As a Japanese man, I approve of this message.

This is where you’re wrong.

meh....The guy connects with his punch. That’s not easy to stage without actually hurting the other guy.