
This is a dumb take.

You meld the idea of fire safety as part of the culture and you certainly prevent damage and casualty. I lived there and I still remember a local volunteer walking around the neighborhood in the winter time while clapping two wooden sticks twice and screaming, “be aware of fire”. You hear that

Stick to hockey Duclair.

What kind of uptight environment/industry do you work in? Genuinely curious.

The wildest replay tech is them using infra-red. Like, what the hell.

Hm, no. You still need a ref to call illegal shifts.

This is bad Kinja

Shad’s arm IS the size of that clerk’s head.


You left the other best part of the story in the obit:

It didn’t look like the people driving up to it were doing 40. 30 at most as my best guess and I think that’s being generous.

Any type of breaking in that condition if can get you gliding easily

Being Japanese, this is 100% accurate.

Well represented.

I would let him do that to me any day.

I can’t tell if you’re fucking around but if that’s true, Lundqvist is a fucking ass-h...

I can’t stay mad at him.

Yeah, that’s what it looked like to me too.


Sometime when it’s too easy to make the needed play, you fuck up and that just turned out to be in front of your own goal.

I’m an avid fan but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of any chirping from him.

Honest question, did he trash talk at all?


Squash racquets are also not top heavy like a tennis or racquet ball...er..racquet. Because of that, they’re a lot easier to stop mid stroke. Also, the stroke is more in the wrist, and not the arm like tennis so the movement is fairly limited if you look closer.

I don’t know why I’m all salty about this but I absolutely hate the use of “__ doubled their lead” when going from 1 to 2 goals.

Am I the only idiot that hates that reference?

wait, you saying you would?

son you gotta change jobs where you can kick or grab a dick and not get fired.

- President Elect

I thought I read somewhere that that’s what he’s been doing for a while. If not, then yeah, he’s just being a dick, kicker.