
Oh, no I know that. I was a goalie.

What I’m saying is, if all of the sudden de Gea was told mid season that he’ll get a yellow for bringing his knee up, he’ll get yellows for the rest of the season.

I’m not excusing him of it but he’s been doing it for so long its part of his instinct to kick out. Similar to how a soccer goalie is always told to bring a knee up when going up for a ball. You do that for a long time, it’s hared to un-wire.  

Does anyone personally know an NFL head coach that’s genuinely smart AND fun to be around? Obviously this is a subjective asessement but I want to hear about a coach that’s simply, witty, funny, intelligent in all aspects and relatable.

I don’t know, I’m more amazed that this guy is only 47 fucking years old.

=vlookup(good kinja, comments, above)+1

No, we actually changed the constitution and put Barack back in for another 26 years.

If you’re response is “I follow plenty of foreign leagues and understand the pressures of finances and continued relevance” then you don’t understand how this sport works in other countries in regards to this tragedy.

These teams often are, not part, the fabric of communities.

I don’t think you understand how this sport works in other parts of the world.

ah thank you.

Holy shit.

MaCaw looks like he accidentally came out of his grave

Who is that creepy fuck standing next to McCaw?

Play-on calls are necessary.

To start, I’m not for or against raiders.

And which part of the second amendement did she have zero respect for? And you think having less of the first is somehow equal to having less of the 2nd?

Why commit to just one? Commit to multiple Cousins.

What the fuck is up with breathing?

Also, was it hot at this venue? Why is he sweating like a pig?

Obviously all speculation but if he had his face up, his face may have bounced up and across the body of his teammate. With his face down and hitting him with the top of his head, it seems as though it compressed all the way down on his vertebrae.

Or he has the same parents as Jack Johnson of the Blue Jackets

Over the years, I’ve been able to find a liking in Lindsay Graham. He was one of the first prominent republicans to come out against Trump and stuck with it the whole way, which says a lot about him as a person. He didn’t want to be part of his vitriol. I’m sure there are policies that he favored that most liberals

I did nazi that comment coming.
