
You savage, you.

This isn’t an actual threat.

That fucker is going to let HIllary appoint a SCOTUS judge and approve when it comes to time. This move is being used as a carrot for voters to come out because they need the majority and he’s thinking this is the best way to make them think this is the only way to stop Hillary appointing

Dolph Lundgren

Fullbright Scholar to MIT, Masters in Chemical Engineering, Speaks 7 languages, black belt in Karate, contributed to NASA’s water filtration system, and home intruders fled his house once they found out it was his.

He hasn’t touched home base in more ways than one and won’t be for the near and far future.

Oh my.

Part of me thinks Trump would have been more offended if the story was told that it happened in Economy class.

He’s just that kind of a guy.

hye, dimwit, you read the article?

Part of me is like, who the fuck are you people hanging out with?

That’s actually a good thing

I said this to my friend when it was determined that those two would be their respective nominees: Clinton shouldn’t say shit until her day of swearing in as president and Donald Trump would rid of himself from contention.


My god you are helplessly stupid.

A friend of mine just told me a story about their friend in Colorado that got bit. The short version is that this person now owes $1.2m in medical expenses.

Lesson: don’t get bit by one.

You seem to lack the understanding of why this is not okay. You might want to read up on things. Here, I’ll help.


The school football programs have been the biggest mystery to me. I don’t know how these schools aren’t dropping football programs or how they’re not being litigated out of existance with all of likely brain trauma these kids are suffering.

You forgot /s

Sometimes I think that’s a fucking stupid way to go about this election in making it seem like a close election. However, I think it actually works in favor of the democrats. It doesn’t let the individual voter be complacent and will help drive the vote as long as people keep on saying its close and keeps them in a

There are going to be so many conflicted 12th men, I can’t wait.