If poker is, I'd say MtG needs to be. MtG requires more reflexes and strategy than poker, so technically it's "more" of a sport than poker is.
If poker is, I'd say MtG needs to be. MtG requires more reflexes and strategy than poker, so technically it's "more" of a sport than poker is.
So then question...let's say someone's a Pro Magic: the Gathering player. He's not an athlete, but a Pro WoW player is? Why is that?
Spanish pronunciation: "pen-dai-o-ess". Something, somewhere, has gotten lost in translation :P
Don't worry, considering the other places we have taste receptors, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some in your vag, too xD
Not to mention how the recurrent laryngial nerve goes from the neck, down to the chest, wraps around an artery...just to come back up to the neck where it terminates. Talk about inefficient, and the way it wraps around an artery is just dangerous. Then you look at how that effects long-necked animals like giraffes,…
My guess? Ovulation shortly before your period leads to pheramone production leads to your man givin' you lots o' lovin' :)
Exactly! It's a phobia, so by definition, there's no basis for the fear...it's just there and life-interfering. The one time I got the courage to donate blood, I couldn't because I was on meds, and since then I haven't mustered up any courage again >_< . Thanks for the link, I'll look more into Eternity :)
I'd guess it would cost quite a bit more than an Earth-based mining project what with the resources and effort needed to get to the asteroid and back.
Yes...yes, it does xD Except they use wormholes, not Alcubierre bubbles :P
Yes, that would be a good thing...but if we're going to put in the linguistic effort to separate "theory" and "scientific theory", wouldn't it just be easier to teach people the difference between "theory" and "hypothesis" so that people use the correct word in the first place?
Not a thing. Even hypothetical "FTL" drives never actually move faster than light...they usually just either cut through space with wormholes or bend space itself, thereby shortening the distance between the points without actually moving faster than light speed.
No no, don't get me wrong. It would still only refresh when you need it to. But when you do need it to, get it to refresh at 60Hz. In fact, there are prototype E-Ink displays that only refresh the rectangle of the screen that needs it, so that would be more of a boost while still giving fully fluid motion where it's…
Sounds good to me XD
I'm thinking, though I could be wrong, that you can use your 3DS to see the real world in 3D as well! It has a 3D camera...if you take a 3D picture or video, you're still looking at the screen the same distance away...would you see the world in 3D that way?
Despite the inability to control interplanetary spacecraft due to signals only traveling at the speed of light, controllers on Earth provide continuous navigation updates. This was especially true for Deep Impact, a mission that involved flying a copper impactor into a comet and photographing the results. In order to…
If you're talking about the psychological concept of a personal fable, this ain't it. I don't get hungry when watching food commercials, though many people do. I don't have any trouble controlling myself at gambling games (i.e. dumping my winnings back into more games), I've seen so much more fucked-up shit than many…
From what I understand...that's exactly what the Alcubierre drive does...
First of all, where will we get the 500kg of exotic matter? Second of all, this sounds like an Alcubierre drive, which IIRC has the unfortunate side effect of exploding massively upon stopping. This doesn't mention that?