
Okay, just "porn" gives me cleaned-up results, but narrowing it down with modifiers gives me real porn again. Hm. Weird. Well, at least it's safe from Puritans for now :P .

I get different search results for "porn"...most of which have no nudity, and the ones that do are rare and not so explicit. What country are you in?

Well, that sucks. Actually, no it doesn't. Who uses Google Images for porn anyway? XD

You can't. That's the problem. There's "filter results" which stops you from searching for those at all, or don't filter results which still doesn't return explicit results unless you're clever about the wording.

Comcast is #3, right underneath FiOS, which is the jump from cable to fiber optic...yeah, that sounds right :) . I've never had a problem with Comcast ISP...their customer service is another story.

Considering my girlfriend was really excited about her iPhone 5 and I'm still with, I don't.


When depression is forcing you to be numb to all emotions, to believe that you're completely alone and that you deserve to be always, and to think about suicide constantly as a viable solution to a variety of nonexistent, it's not extreme.

Yes...because psychosis is the only bad thing that can happen to your brain. Impairments to learning, memory, and reaction times, some of which are semipermanent, are not important at all. Nope, no sir, those are just fine.

"But why is the virtual character the company is using in the demo dressed in a scandalous schoolgirl uniform?"

Capacity? That's an abstract idea, whereas we treat energy as a physical thing...

Darn. Oh, well. Still, the name does not come from such a concept (of "Are you for 86ing the baby?"). It comes from the fact that it is the 38,486th compound created at Roussel Uclaf (and RU-38486 was shortened). So making it out to be some terrible naming scheme is, in fact, a conspiracy theory. Not to mention, I

Coincidentally (though perhaps not interestingly), emerald green is my favorite color :) . I approve this choice.

It should at least have flash memory...


Is latex conductive?

As a white male, I have amazing whitedar. See? I can say things, too, it doesn't make them true.
