
Mmhmm. It's amazing that there's only one problem in the world, and only one team to work on it! I was under the impression that there were very many problems in the world and over 7 billion people to study them, but you sure have proven me wrong!

If by "fibrous structure" you mean "sand", then...sure.

The joke. You have missed it.

Maybe, maybe not.

But the question is still if the sensor is there and my auto-brightness setting has been turned on this whole time, why isn't the brightness auto-adjusting?

I don't see it...

I learned a mnemonic song in 5th grade for all the presidents in order...let's see how many I can remember without looking them up!

No, I have a 2G. Weird, I just checked, and there is in fact an auto-brightness setting. And it's been on the whole time. Yet whether I have it in complete darkness or right under a lamp doesn't change the screen brightness anyway, so...I'm thinking my jailbreaking of it has interfered with that setting anyway.

And watch... "We're sorry, guys, but our in-sample error was 0%! We were sure we had it! How could we know our out-of-sample error would be 80%?"

I have an iPod Touch 2G. It also doesn't have a brightness sensor. I don't think I'd even use it if it did, anyway...

22, and I've never used Axe. I use Dial for Men Hair & Body Wash.

Since you did list things in categories, I'll respond to each by quoting each category before my responses :) .

For once, I wasn't being humorous...not sure what you thought was funny in that post.

She actually did start using my body wash today xD . And she's leaving behind a bottle of her perfume next time we see each other. So, yeah, the answer to your question is yes.

xD That's why I said "could" and "very limited" and "not worth it" :P I was just relating a relevant situation. She actually does use my body wash now so she can smell like me, and next time we see each other she's leaving behind some of her perfume.

Why what? A lot of people like the way their lovers smell :) .

Meh. One scent at a time, and needs to be set up for each new scent? Not worth it. girlfriend and I miss the way we smell (her perfume, my body wash) when we're not together, so that could be one use for this. Very limited though.

Good! I'm fairly sure Dante intended the wasps to represent the conscience that should have stung you in life to get you to choose a side you agree with, and the excrement represent the bullshit you said to support whoever happened to be winning. So, yeah, the wasps are the important lesson :P .

How so? No one loses anything (again, it's just copies). The box office numbers show that in-theater movies are still making tons of money. Music artists make most of their money from live concerts and merchandise anyway (and more than a few artists have even admitted publicly they don't care if people pirate their

The word is "opportunist", and there's a special level of Dante's hell for you, complete with running through excrement and being stung by wasps for all eternity. Enjoy! :P