
Just because I'd want a cop to practically be a good marksman doesn't mean I admire marksmanship. My admiration for anything comes from my ideals, and ideally guns wouldn't be a thing that any people have. I know, we don't live in an ideal world, but that's still where my admiration (or lack thereof) stems from.

I've never seen the movie, but props to Michael Bay for trying to be realistic.

Gather 'round, make a sound, stomp the enemy into the ground! All hail Sam!

I'm sure they're terrible compared to military snipers and the like...I dislike guns in general, though, so I don't admire marksmanship anyway. :/

I don't see why not. They may edit out a lot of the testing to shorten it to an hour's show, but they do quite a bit of testing and usually control for as many variables as possible. In addition, they often revisit and retest old myths that they may have tested incorrectly the first time. No reason it should be

Compared to Hollywood gangsters? They're much better.

It's mostly just because it looks cool, though. Besides, MythBusters tested this (along with several other Hollywood-type positions, such as dual-wielded cross-armed pistol shots) and found that they all suck in terms of accuracy compared to the standard police position of holding the gun with one hand, upright,

Correction: if something is backed by science, it's real. No doubt beyond the error margin. A more accurate sentence: just because a scientist says something doesn't make it real science.

I agree (no offense, Jesus, but...yeah, I agree).

I trust Sam to deliver well-written articles...most of the time...does that count?


Hm. It does now. Go figure.

Sam, I will be your friend. WHO'S WITH ME?! STAND UP FOR SAM! ... ... guess it's just me, then. To the geek table it is.

Fuck raptors, get T-Rexes.

I honestly don't think that's his real voice...if it is, then yes, poor guy. But I don't believe it.

Yep. Although I've been told that's probably more harmful to one's eyes to keep switching between glasses and not...but I don't care xD .

Someone sounds butthurt ;)

I've tried, but I hate the way I look in any glasses in general. I've had people tell me I look good in them, but it's more a self-image thing: I can't find any that I think I look good in.

...I think you're on the wrong Website. This is Gizmodo, a technology blog. I'm sure you were looking for the LJA site. You might want to use that fancy Google thing of yours to find your Lame Jackass Anonymous meetings :P .

No offensive weapons, giant ships, fully staffed and equipped hospitals, international aid, civilian crew, and nonprofit collaboration? Seriously, these ships just restored a tiny bit of my faith in humanity :) .