
Ooh. I had no idea it worked so well. That's really cool; I should get one :D .

Have they? I kind of want to see the studies for that...

+10 :D

"Hey, baby. Want to learn the breaststroke? I think I could use some pointers ;) " *SEND* ... ... ... "Oh, fuck, that went to the adults, too?!"

Sounds like a job for Jack Hodgins!

Assuming the insurance company actually trusts the new technology...

I'd say higher on new autodriving tech like this. At least for a while.

Ride in one? Sure. I'd love to. "Drive" or own one? If I could afford the insurance, then yes, of course. But I can't even afford insurance enough to drive now, imagine what the premiums on an autocar (hey, linguistic regression!) would be?

I'm a senior at uni heading for a bachelor's of computer science, actually, but I'm very interested in all sorts of science, including physics.

The Internet is for...

The Big Bounce is not exclusive of the Big Bang, actually; you can think of the the Big Bang as "the first Bounce". And that's still a relatively obscure hypothesis with not much evidence for it.

I'd be surprised if there were any anatomical difference to Einstein's brain. I think he just used it more than most people :P .

As oops jo mentioned, I didn't use that "choice of words". I just said we don't yet know how to describe the superforce in a way consistent with reality, and until we do, we can't describe the Big Bang's initial singularity state. pretense? Power isn't a pretense? The desire to explain something that we don't yet understand?


There's a fairly large consensus that is did, so the "if" is unnecessary. It's just a matter of how, but since physics coalesces into one big blob of superforce at the point of initial expansion, it's not an easy problem to tackle. Maybe in a few centuries we'll know.

I'm not so sure that's entirely conditioning. Remembering the bad that others do makes us more cautious of others, which I'd say has an evolutionary advantage. As Dr. House once said, "Being a jackass generally turns a profit".

Except Mephistocat said gravity affects all masses equally, and it doesn't... He backed his own argument, which is true. F=ma. Acceleration due to gravity is constant, and thus higher mass equals higher force.