
Why doesn't that apply to current type-and-send transactions as well?

My point was that I was under the impression that current security standards don't allow sites to store your card info anyway. And under that premise, any site that stores it now would store it then as well, because they're not following standards anyway.

I've never used one-click shopping before, and didn't even know it existed...

Yep. Every good scientist knows that we don't know everything. I think Dr. Neil Tyson phrased it as "scientists are steeped in ignorance". It's better only to believe the most plausible thing than it is to believe what you like because you like it. If you don't know something, then you don't know it; don't make up

No, because people with blind faith also thought the Earth was the center of the universe. Then science came along and checked it out and figured out that was wrong. Speed isn't as important as quality. Just because you believe something first doesn't mean you believe something accurate. And accuracy is far, far more

You wouldn't. The server might.

Why would an NFC chip change something like that? Current security standards don't allow you to store credit card info on the server. Any site that would ignore that will do it whether you're paying with NFC or by typing in your number.

It doesn't really matter. When you tap your card to your computer, it puts the information there anyway, so it's just as susceptible to theft as if you'd typed it. Any website that stores credit card information will still store it.

Yeah, that would be an unnecessarily huge bandwidth requirement. 1080i60 is fine, or 1080p30.

Yep. That makes sense. So, yeah, my original point stands that since this puts 4K in the same bandwidth as 1080p, since stations already broadcast in 1080i, they'd have the bandwidth available without hardware upgrades.

But if it's not in violation of PA-DSS, then someone hacking your account wouldn't have access to any information anyway, with or without the NFC tech.

"And if an account gets hacked, you don't have to worry about someone buying things with your account."

If anybody here has not found a friend in McGyver, please stand up! We're going to make you a new friend today! The best friend you'll ever have! When you're in a pinch, He will rain down upon you household items and inspire your heart with more uses than you can ever imagine! He will fight for you! He will DIE for

Damn it! I haven't seen it in so long, and I don't know enough German xD . Oh, well, close enough. I just wish I had bet someone that I could get a guy on the Internet to neigh :P .

It sends every other line, but then it fills in the lines. It sends 60 fields per second to fill it in, not 30, so it's half as much data per field, but twice as many fields per second. (1/2) * 2 = 1.

I think....I'm pretty sure that I can hear...Herr Bluchre!

Why the right nipple? Why not the left? Or both? Better yet, topless pics. Yes, I think topless pics are the best form of protest.

If Giz had a way to Like, +1, and Share this comment, I would. You, sir, have a great head on your shoulders, and it sounds like your son will, too :) .

As an American, it's my duty to inform you that...yeah, you're right. Most Americans are seriously prudish and put their pride in the wrong places.

I wonder...if this is taken to the in vivo stage, would a full brain transfer those short-term memories to long-term?