
The Dragon has pressurized interior volume of about 350 cubic feet, over 100 cubic feet more than an old Apollo capsule, but if you cram in seven, that's much less space per person than the three-person Apollo crews. Still, the Dragon is designed for ferry flights to and from the ISS, not multi-day lunar missions.

Speaking purely financially, what kind of damages could the guy be liable for? It's not like you can just pop on over to rockauto.com and get a spare body panel (door maybe?), and I can only imagine how much they paid for paint* on that car. You gotta have some serious moolah, insurance, and/or chutzpah to


She even fought nazis with the power of cute. She is a /REAL LIFE/ magical girl.

I am geting really tired of you posting dangerouss crash videos like this. You must be nuts to think that this is interesting. It's just retread after retread of the same tihng from offroad racing, and I frankly used to thnk Jalopnik was a hub of useful knowledge. Noawdays, it's just a wheel of pain and spectacle,


Still a better love story than Twilight.

Blame the Soviets. They had that program deeply penetrated and had everything on the revolutionary airframe and titanium construction; it may still have been a great aircraft but its secrets were out.

Aorta hurt you for that pun.

It says he fired these weapons. ...Where in the hell do you get ammo in Japan? I don't think they sell bricks of .22 LR at the corner konbini, so...

box of legos, 50 bucks per. Minecraft? Fifteen bucks, and infinite pieces. Plus you can actually make your lego-men fight instead of pose at each other.

Advanced exoskeletons are the way of the future, ladies and gentlemen. The only point of contention is whether they should be worn with protective helmets or wool caps. Mind you, Advanced Warfare does take place in the year 2054, so there's no telling what advances have been made in sheep technology. They probably

"You get what you pay for."

ancient technology isn't all that ancient. We still use V8s based on the same concept and design of the ancient classics; a lot of those old warbirds - especially the racers - are running rebuilds of the old powerplant or else a whole new one. Hell, pick any two- or three-cylinder motorcycle engine, and then look at


Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... E.T. games rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

And don't EVEN get me started on Nemo's "let bygones be bygones" handwave as to why he's helping out the enslaver of his people and the very reason he went into submarine piracy in the first place. Characterization fail much? (GREAT actor choice for him though, sadly)

I don't recall Herr Furher in the movie...

Note the cockpit - it's a four-seater EA-6B; the electronic-warfare variant.

Thing about it is...Superman's out. Ball never hit the ground before it was caught.