
Even if they did make a longroof and it was a solid, good vehicle, would it really be worth it? A bit of extra space that an SUV could easily match. It’s just hard to make sense of that style anymore.

This kind of reminds me, in a way, of the COPO stuff and other related dealership specialties in the past. Murica’s car future is looking great.

There may be other dealers with different ideas in the future too. Perhaps a Ford-approved Fiesta from hell?

It’s going to be just like Jalopnik anyways, enjoyable car stuff over here and Chris Evans (or Jezebel and Gawker) angrily clucking in the corner.

Regardless of what you intended by that comment, it simply does not read that way at all. You just made a gigantic statement about White males.

conservative working-class white men—a demographic base rather famous for its hostility toward “The Media” in the first place.

If it keeps that interior they could call it 80085 and snicker about what it looks like on a Texas Instruments calculator while they’re presenting it, I would still want it.

With the bum rush of peak TV, I’m almost worried. There are an awful lot of expensive shows and new streaming services. That being said, I feel like quality car shows are like Jello, even if there isn’t room we will lie and cram it in anyways.

This is the kind of thing that makes people vote Republican. Garbage that encourages ignorance.

America was essentially started in a pretty genocidal, horrifying way and the bad guys won, up until the Civil War. This could have worked as a Ghost Story with a colonial White cult being the bad guys, anything else would have been found guilt of racism automatically.

The media reporting it started to sound less interested in reporting and more interested in making clickbait titles for people to get outraged about anyways.

Yeah this reminds me of The Interview more than I thought it would.

Floridian here: you might want to think about including some other states on that list.


That’s true, but the lack of any coverage at all on the opposition from the either side just makes the whole issue seem a shallow war between two different camps of the same kind of people. It’s not like there hasn’t been an absolute festival of B.S. coming from either side.

Also, it would make more sense considering the age of her co-star. Cooper is 41 and Jennifer Lawrence could have passed for a young college late high school age character.

There are a bunch of car shows, Top Gear was the only one that can keep my interest for longer than five seconds.

Something sinking isn’t really a good analogy, this guy wants this thing to smash into the bottom as quickly as possible. The best part is it almost feels like the rest of the hosts are almost giving the show credibility in spite of him. Almost.

Do you mean the interior is an option, actual literal gahbage is an option, or both?

You’re making an assumption as to what people saying “All Lives Matter” mean by the phrase and your assumption is based off of prejudice that they are way more racist than they are.