
I didn’t like his comments about the transgendered, but at this point the amount of outrage and vitriol spewed at the topic or minorities in support of progressive politics makes me just not care at all.

Ehhhhh. Honestly, it’s nice to know you’re buying property in a neighborhood that won’t be getting blockbusted, where a property owner rents expensive homes out to section 8 tenants to drive the values down.

It’s so beautiful. As someone raised during the 90s, when the idea of an American company being the best value would have been laughable, this is a glorious time to be alive.

This was just at the top of Reddit, so it probably came from there

After Cadillac I have been dreaming about the glorious resurrection of some American brands. I was crossing my fingers for Lincoln and I’m sure everyone has their own team to root for, but it’s absolutely awesome to see Buick emerge from the wreckage.

No, not really. They’re not valuable. Period. If someone wants to buy one and mess with it, that can be a lot more valuable to car culture than an unmodded original. You don’t know how many of them there are, they’re not even valuable and I don’t think any kid is going to be interested in a stock Sonett.

Not everything should be stock. Sonetts weren’t winners to begin with and there is nothing wrong with trying to customize an old car.

As a fan of cheap cars that I believe should be remade into whatever image their owner thinks might work, I disagree. Let people enjoy cars for what they want out of them. If the next guy thinks it needs an engine swap, even better.

There is something horribly wrong with the universe for not letting me buy that thing. Every other car on the road looks mundane in comparison.

God I want that. I want that so badly it just doesn’t make sense. Every car on the road, even the ones I like, seem to look the same in comparison to these glorious machines.

And it’s fucking glorious.

That’s actually an utterly bogus assumption to begin with.

So far they’re less violent then plenty of gatherings that are labelled “peaceful gatherings” for social justice. Keep an eye on context.

Someone else experiencing something wrong does not validate something shitty happening to someone else. This is one of the shittier, more ignorant parts of social justice in this era.

Well, I’m sure it will still be popular in Europe.

That thing looks absolutely splendid.

I live in South Florida and see far more of them than I ever expected as well. Frankly, having a massive boat-ish convertible is exactly what I would want and I actually love the daylights out of these things.

And a lot of others as well. I actually love cars from the 70s, it’s just their powerplants that are absolute crap.

I want to believe, but it’s pretty difficult to imagine the R&D request for work on a rotary engine going well while everyone is slowly changing to electric to begin with. It would be wonderful to see the rotary make a return before the I.C.E. bites the dust though.

I actually like Anita, although she has lied a hell of a lot more than once and it doesn’t help any cause, and it sounds like Zoe was a real asshole to just one guy but then her supporters did the rest there. But I would never openly support any anti-gamergate stuff. While having a great goal in theory, threatening