
Why do all these yankee-ass restaurants think people only want biscuits at breakfast?

Dear Mr. Paxton (and, for good measure, Abbott, DeSantis, and Trump)

Truck Nutz is so obvious I’m surprised it wasn’t in the prompt.

And maybe an evil wizard named Venger, and a terrifying multi-headed dragon that even the evil wizard is scared of

What if the DM was also a character? Kind of a Yoda-type. I could get behind that.

Not sure why people love Chick-fil-A so much. Their chicken is so greasy. The only thing that doesn’t make me feel like I’m going to die are their Chickn’ Minis (or however the hell they spell it), and those are only for breakfast.

Keep voting Republican, morons. They’ll lead you to the grave.

I would happily donate money to a kickstarter for that exact game. (continues laughing thinking about it)


Neither. It's a rhythm-based minigame.

Important question: do you make up Clayface’s monologues through a dialogue wheel, or is it just you hold down a button and he just randomly says nonsense? 

Fucking cosign. The elitism and shitty “reasons why it sucks” were absurd. Fee reviewers took the show at face value, and like you said, it was apparently both “too much like the anime” and made “too many changes.” It was different. It was well performed, outstanding costumes and set design. Some pacing issues. I

Screw everyone, I loved the show. It’s especially telling that there were an equal number of people accusing it of both being too much like the original show, or not enough. And I absolutely loved what they did with Julia and just laughed at all the people saying it wasn’t true to the character. Because oh yeah, there

Hey, I liked it a whole lot! :( 

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Beat me to it.

Silverado’s great. Though IMO it’s a little bit like the White Album in that you could probably trim away at least one or two main characters and their subplots and make it a tighter film, but damned if I know which ones you’d get rid of.

This would be my pick as well. Underrated film

Killer Bruce Broughton soundtrack too.

I adore that movie. One of my favorite westerns.