
Please refrain from commenting on the First Amendment until you figure out what it is and does.

Baby Driver was made for you.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

“GOOD JOB BARRY” needs to be our new “Thanks Obama!”

At this point, I just see him as DC’s analog of South Park’s Kenny. All that’s missing is:

It would be a real bummer of an ending, but I think I’d have preferred to see it end just before the time jump, then the time jump could be brought out as a sequel, bulked out a little. Because otherwise the book had to just STOP two thirds of the way through to do a LOOOOT of new worldbuilding.

Aside from the “no award” over “Seveneves” thing (which sounds like people didn’t read the book), “Seveneves” was clumsy. Other scifi authors - Niven and Pournelle, Stephen Baxter, etc. - could have destroyed the world in fewer pages.

I can’t tell you where Seveneves should stand with regards to Fifth Season because I am fucking done with slogging through Neal Stephenson books that fall completely to shit in the final chapters. Fifth Season was great, though.

I have had conversations about SEVENEVES with 3 people. They said:

(Trying again)

Call me when they bring in the Question.

I like your theory. I also like that you mentioned literally the only part of House II: The Second Story that wasn’t terrible.

Ted Kord, The Blue Beetle

Yes, Plastic man :)

I am sure he will still be a reoccurring character as they time travel. I just hope him dying every time is a running gag. Creepy and useless.

To give him credit, I think KJA is really the one who got me into fan fiction . . . because even the worst non-betaed Mary Sue seemed better written than the Young Jedi Knights series.

I second that with a hard no. Taking the Suncrusher from that series and putting it in TFA was bad enough.

Given what he did to Dune, he should never have been allowed near Star Wars.

Obviously Dash and Violet should reflect the grim darkness by becoming anti-heroes! Pouches for all!