
A local burger chain here in Colorado, Good Times Burgers & Frozen Custard (highly recommended for anyone visiting, by the way) offers the “Pawbender,” which is vanilla frozen custard topped with peanut butter and a doggie biscuit. My dogs tell me they’re awesome.

Not really anything to worry about.

I’m Scooby-Doo Villain old.

Yah, bozman.

I’d also say the Lensman series is a major inspiration as well. Jedi are 95% Lensmen and the Death Star is Roger’s Planetoid.

How about Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin? Amell is a faster driver and Gustin is more road ragey. 

Came here to say this. Well done. #airhighfive

I’ve been following JMR since before COVID-19 hit the scene. There’s another marble racing league called Fubeca, also on YouTube. I’m enough of a fan that I’m judgmental about the commentator in the Fubeca league. Greg Woods is KING.

Yes, I am not a vegan but I would eat the hell out of this. Come to Colorado please! 

Something something E-space mumbles.

Has anyone got a clear explanation why Nate can’t be the one Amaya marries and fathers her children? Anyone?

Shoot, I’ll miss reading your articles. I’ve really enjoyed them. You ever feel like reading some superhero tales, hit me up. You’ve earned a lifetime pass for freebies as far as I’m concerned.

It is a marketing failure of the highest degree that this movie is not named Orc Cop.

Somewhere there is a high school hockey team who has never gotten a good explanation why they had to change their name and logo this year.

My take on the show is that it is an homage to ST:TNG, but instead of being populated by the best and brightest, people who are Practically Perfect in Every Way, it’s populated by you and your coworkers, or me and my coworkers. Yeah, we do our jobs, but we also crack jokes, and we have personal problems that spill

Katharine, I can’t tell you how happy I am to know someone else has seen The Specials. Talk about a hidden gem! You should write a feature on it. Remember, it’s Minute Man, not Minute Man.

This is the John Carter fiasco all over again. Disney had no idea how to properly promote and advertise the property, which by all rights should have been the start of a new SF franchise, but they completely blew it on the marketing side and wound up with a bomb which only hardcore fans went to go see. Exeunt Barsoom.


Well, it’s obvious.

He had to complete a series of challenges and defeat bosses of ever-increasing magnitude.

I’m hoping it does well enough that we’ll get A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet too. Karma owes us.

Midnighter is in a completely different league than the rest of the Bat-family. They’re like the NHL and he’s like Chuck Norris riding a Tyrannosaur firing a hand-cannon that shoots sharks with swords for teeth and lasers on their heads.