
And for that matter, how many Bothans died to bring us this information?

So I guess the practice of seppuku...

Could we arrange for everyone who believes this will happen to just sort of . . . float away anyway?

Shit will happen, and io9 will be there to comment upon it. *drops mic*

We are. Check into the Forum and touch base with us there. We have a procedure for bringing in new member. And by all means, tell your friends. We're always looking for ways to expand awareness of the genre!

If you all are curious about superhero fiction, I invite you to check out the Pen & Cape Society (of which I am part) at Penandcapesociety.com. It's a collective of superhero fiction writers. We have an ebook anthology out called The Good Fight, which is free on all platforms.

Being a writer isn't all snorting a giant pile of cocaine off a hooker's ass. No, that's only for book release after-parties.

*takes a bough, drops mic, and leaves*

Oh, fir the luvva gawd...

I wish you guys wouldn't splinter topics away from the main discussion.

Re: superhero is not a genre

Shorter answer: be white.

Somehow, the name "supergiant" is disappointing in conjunction with measurements in centimeters.

After P&R has ridden gently off into the sitcom sunset, I hope someone has the sense to sign Chris Pratt to a SPECIAL AGENT BERT MACKLIN, FBI!! series.

Oh you're from Colorado? You must live in the mountains and have six feet of snow all the time.

Go directly to the principal's office and don't talk to the other boys and girls.

What about all those feet that keep washing up on the shore in the Pacific Northwest?

Number of spoken lines in the script, maybe?

Now playing

I'll just leave this here. It was lying around anyway and someone was going to trip over it sooner or later.

Boo, AoS writers! You killed off Tripp and left us with Captain Cliché, Lance Hunter, who hasn't yet spoken an original line of dialogue or done anything remotely unpredictable? I would have been interested to see things develop between Tripp and Simmons and all the emotional fallout that would hang on Fitz, but it