
Except the Interceptor is destroyed here in Fury Road, presumably in the opening sequence, and it's also destroyed in Road Warrior. Maybe it wasn't the VERY last of the V8 Interceptors...

Extraterrestrial intelligence will give us a whole new reason to start up crusades and jihads. I'm sure the fundamentalists are frothing at the mouth in anticipation.

Great reporting! High five, er, high stump!


And here I thought it was the dryer destroying all those socks...

Then at least you could put it in your soup!

Reminds me of the original concept for DC Comics' Blue Devil-a power suit designed by a Hollywood stuntman.

Life in general has more masturbation in it.

Awesome news! I loved the movie and the book. Get some of the Face/Off competitors doing the makeup and it'll look amazing.

The biggest threat to self-published authors is a unilateral policy change at retail venues like Amazon and Smashwords. Say Amazon decided to amend terms tomorrow to reduce all royalty rates for books published via Kindle Direct to 35%. There's nothing anyone could do to stop that, because as a retailer, Amazon has

Because wasps are assholes.

Maybe one of the Fox executives stopped doing hookers and blow long enough to blurt out, "Shouldn't they be...not white people?" and then somebody else smacked his forehead and went, "Dammit, Steve, you just had to go and put it out there."

THESE GUYS! They buy Saturn and Jupiter from Harry Mudd and the Enterprise must travel into Deepest Darkest Derpest Space to find enough gold-pressed latinum to buy them back!

It took me about 45 seconds to notice that the clock was running backward.

If Datak hasn't received or attempted to receive handjobs from at least half the named characters by the end of the season, I will be sorely disappointed. I hope you'll keep score on the Datak Handjob-o-Meter weekly, Bricken.

I actually liked the live-action movies better than the more recent animated efforts. I thought they were a good blend of hat-tips to the original episodes without getting lost in studio garbage.

Let's all welcome one more state to the the Idiocracy. Sigh.

But at the same time I just want to know, where are the lady heroes?