Yeah, but I still feel like they have had nine noticeable versions of hand held systems, and nine versions of just DS alterations.
Besides let's be honest it probably wont matter either way, they might just call it the ____10 or ____X just because it sounds good. Just think about it: we have Windows 10 coming out soon…
Well 2 ways of counting this, I think.
I really hope you are right. The latest game boy I have is the original DS (the bulky one that was made obsolete almost instantly with the DS lite), so I'm long over due for a upgrade, but I have been putting it off in anticipation of of the next version. God I hope this is it.
The alliance is intended to complement Nintendo's dedicated video game systems business and extend Nintendo's reach into the vast market of smart device users worldwide. Under the alliance, DeNA will also be able to strengthen its gaming business at a global scale by leveraging Nintendo's IP. To ensure the quality of…
You glanced over a important part of that definition, "alteration of the program code".
Is any one else bothered by "New" being part of the name or is it just me?
Dam I planed to get the crew, but not if that means I need to install yet another game manager/DRM for just one game.
Personally I will get one when it comes state side if they change the stupid name. In a few years there will be another newer 3DS, and then it will be a pain to explain to people that I have "the "new" 3ds" and not "the new 3ds".
This is why naming something "new" is a dumb idea. "The new iPad", "New super mario bros" and this are all bad names. Why couldn't they just call it the 3DS+ and save us all the confusion?
Of course, the game could be a timed exclusive and maybe get released on the Xbox One when it has a larger install base in Japan.
Garry Newman made Garry's Mod. Sure they doesn't have a long list of games but Garry's Mod gets updates and improvements all the time, my point being it seems like Garry's mod is still getting support and has not been abandoned so I don't think Rust would end being ignored or abandoned either.
I hate to discourage projects on kickstarter but things like this is the reason I refuse to spend even $1 on a kickstarter projects, at least until they at least have something real to show me. I find it really sad that this project got so much money when Feebles Fable didn't even get 1/3 of it goal.
Well we already knew that. Titanfall was called an "Xbox exclusive" even though it is also available on PC.
I find this whole thing really silly. I actually understand the problem with making additional female assassins for the multiplayer and it's not some sexist agenda. From what I understand in order to allow players to decide on the gender of their assassin
Ouch only 2 GB of ram wonder why they didn't bump that up to at least 4 GB. Regardless I plan to get one after super smash, mario cart and mario party are on sale. Even then I might need to wait for some real price drops since $300 for the console plus $60 per game is more than I am willing to spend on a living room…
Side mouth looks fine to me when the mouth is closed it just looks like its a continuation of the mouth. Open side mouth is the stuff of night mares
"This is for all you 'gamers' who don't see a problem with your lifestyle: Can you point to me where in the Bible Jesus said gaming was okay?"
Short answer is get Saints row 3, Saints row 4 is also fun but not as much as SR3, saints row 1 and 2 were only ok and can be skipped.
I agree with you I prob would almost never use a VR head set for a competitive game. What I care more about is using it for things like virtual tours and like virtual movie theaters. Games like Minecraft, Antichamber, Project CARS and portal could still be fun but I don't VR would add anything worthwhile to my…