I started a new Bloodborne character to finally check out the DLC areas. I was planning to save that Blood Rock for the Whirligig Saw before I fell for the Amygdalan Arm. I started using it because I liked those weird twisty animations in the extended form, and now it’s replacing the Kirk Hammer as my go-to.

Axe of course! All cool dudes use Axe! In the ads, it shows how it gets you all the girls!

How many games have you made?

obivous troll is obvious, try harder. This “HAHA PC GAEMRES ARE FAT LONERS HAEV YOU TALK TO GRIL HAHA” is so damn old, you may find this joke in elementary school history books.

Now playing

I loved that one. “It’s open to anry college...annry kollish...” THUMP.

In a profession where fake laughter is a prerequisite, this is a breath of fresh air.

Seems unlikely. He’s hardly out of practice, he’s been doing phenomenal voice acting for years. Sure it’s not the same thing as live action but I doubt he’d be unsalvageably bad in that department- if so, why commit so hard to including him in the next movie in less than 2 years?

Odell Dickham Jr.

Should we be surprised that Brady is a dope? He’s a very good football player; that doesn’t make him a Rhode’s scholar.

The “k” stands for Kojima

not possible, my mouse is on auto pilot when scrolling through Jalopnik clicking on every article

Stunned Buffer tho.

Oh go run a 10k.

Yeah the world famous, well-regarded actor just can’t let go of his disappointment at not getting to voice Kratos Jr.

This whole article is a lie. The Sikhs were asked to remove their turbans at the security check because every person wearing any kind of a hat is asked to do that. They refused, a discussions ensued, they eventually complied and were allowed in, so the title is a lie.

Everything applies differently to me. I am superior. I use e brake for every stopping scenario.

I played the Atari 2600 Empire game for hours and hours and hours. I remember this vividly. A group of friends on really hot summer days taking turns at this game for hours on end, drinking Kool-Aid rushed to us by my mom. Weird. This memory makes me feel really old. And nostalgic.