If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.

Your mother isn’t here homie, sorry.

Crawl back up your mother’s ass and incubate for a few more years. You aren’t ready yet.

Seriously. It’s like the game has chicks walking around in pink mecha suits, a robot that has a bird on it’s shoulder while it’s firing guns and a reaper who can teleport from place to place. This cute Hanza name really breaks all this fucking realism apart.

bullshit. especially now with the amount of press/user reviews and let’s plays out there.


Yes professor, we get it.

Probably talking about looks/feel.

the usual handful of dickheads on here would have.

That’s awesome man, thanks for telling us.

Because guest editors can do what they want. Sit on your hands until Monday when the 100 Overwatch/No Mans Sky articles return.

The “I could have watched some Let’s Play videos but threw money at my expectations instead” mod.

It’s a calm exploration game. You won’t see what doesn’t exist.

and you just did! seems to be working.

Cool story, bro.


I really enjoyed Battleborn, when you got into a match with people who knew and understood the game mechanics, it was a blast to play. I think they shot themselves in the foot releasing so close to Overwatch. Two completely different games but the latter stole any positive attention BB was trying to gather. Was sad

protip: stop clicking on things you don’t have interest in.

Same thing I said to the other guy...what difference does it make to YOU if there’s an option that you won’t use? Different people see appeal in different things. Some people play Deus Ex guns blazing. So if they want to truck through it (especially this one where the stealth absolutely isnt necessary) then who gives

What the fuck do you care? It’s an option. More options are better than less. Worry about how YOU enjoy the game.