Cockteasing video!#%#^@ I want some destruction.

You’ll figure it out day.

We also feel sorry for you for different reasons.

Wrong again! Try harder!

Wrong again! Try harder!

Lmao. You are the best type of clown. Lights are not the only way a battery dies. But you’re smart!

Lmao. You are the best type of clown. Lights are not the only way a battery dies. But you’re smart!

You seem like a real douchebag. The kind that would rather sit in his car and wait for someone else to jump him instead of getting out and doing it himself for 2 minutes. You also probably don’t have a family/significant other and have zero understanding of “shit happens/fix it fast to avoid inconveniencing the other

You seem like a real douchebag. The kind that would rather sit in his car and wait for someone else to jump him

This is your life.

Overdramatic generalizations.

I don’t think you incubated in your mother’s ass long enough. Get back in there.

Ok. Bullshit but ok.

There are plenty of games that ran in 30fps that were totally fine. Don’t be overdramatic.

“It’s certainly not something that can be done dirt cheap.”

Cool story bro.

Yay! THAT guy has arrived.

So stupidly pumped for Blood Bowl 2 I can’t even explain it. Loved the first one to death.

He cares, that’s why he asked. There’s a pretty decent story tucked into the game, one that fans of the series will pay attention to.

He needs that COD 8.5.


Terrific game. Great family/couch game, easy enough to pick up for kids and challenging enough for parents/older gamers. Very solid.

Becoming a trend? It’s been the norm for the last decade+.