Comics = cheap entertainment which was the point he was making. And please, name a few “best fighters in the WORLD” that have been turned away because of their fighting style. Do not include sillycontract demands/fighters own preferences or drug issues that kept them out. And go:

So you actually don’t know anything about MMA? Gotcha...

Get a fucking life.

“a set of platformers about a blue robot who must fight against the evil entity who created him, Capcom.”

You seem dumb and angry.

he thinks he did, and for that guy, that’s all that ever matters.


Except you aren’t voting about anything or doing anything to change what you interpret as wrong. You’re passive aggressively insulting a guy you don’t know while also not realizing that Kotaku is a blog and these guys CAN write about whatever they want. You don’t know how the site actually works but you think you do

Real life!

I laugh my ass off watching my son 8 year old play the games with one eye at the screen and his head turned almost completely away because he’s paranoid about the inevitable BOOO! scare coming his way. We play a ton of games together but Five Nights was the first thing he started playing on his own on weekends when

No but crying about it while continuing to stay on the site does.

They can post memes in record time!!

You are a child. +10 for realizing it.


Playing devil’s advocate here for Herb Dean who is usually really good...Gomi is a legend of the sport and has been in some wars. Far more brutal than the Lauzon fight. He was for the most part still defending himself and I can see how, based on Gomi’s history of getting out of trouble, Dean might have given him and

They can’t all be keyboard finger strength champions like you.

WindJammers or GTFOOOOO.

Except that he did, because he said he did.

I absolutely DO see where it could be confusing (although my INSANE ability to read the very first sentence of an article got me through). That said, people love to come out of their faces at the writers on here and start trying to preach about grammatical integrity and “taking their jobs seriously” when indeed, there

You are a gem. Enjoy your day.