Assuming a lot without actually knowing what res the originals were actually created in.
Assuming a lot without actually knowing what res the originals were actually created in.
If you’re into hack/slash games it’s actually pretty good. Flashy combos/plenty to do/responsive controls. It’s more than just boobs.
It doesn’t hurt that the gameplay for this one is pretty great if you’re into hack/slash.
It was ready at the time with the capabilities that they had. Hindsight is always 20-20. Mario 64, Crash etc. had great gameplay, which in the long run was what mattered. They had to break ground somewhere.
Is it a thing common for you to read a one line, light hearted joke and reply to it with four paragraphs of self important/masterbatory bullshit?
Because it was new and moving things forward? Of course looking back on it now some games look terrible but everyone recognized at the time that a new door was opening.
Thanks for letting us know.
Add me! psn tag same as my name here.
Haha fair enough :) Sorry for the oversensitivity then!! Have a good weekend :)
“well good for you”. I wasn’t saying it like I didn’t believe people who have issues. I was saying it more like it was odd that I’ve had no problems because I usually have problems with everything.
Weird, I’ve played an hour or two each night for the past week and haven’t had any issues. That really sucks though. Game is fantastic fun.
haha yeah. I’m like “look at me building all this cool shit….oh look, an enemy…oh look, 200 enemies! dead”
Every time I see videos of SCII I’m reminded how much I WANT to love playing multiplayer and how much I TOTALLY suck at it.
I haven’t enjoyed a rhythm game as much as I’ve enjoyed this one in a long time. The actual gameplay mechanics are great and in the harder levels, really challenging and the visuals are superb. It oozes with detail and charm.
Lmao, let’s take the dummy to school…Your lesson for today: Where do the majority of MMA styles come from? And where do the majority of the Muay Thai/martial arts competitions that are WAY more extreme than this take place? (hint: Not America). With your name tag, it’s clear you have an agenda, it’s a shame you have…
Agreed, just don’t try to have an intelligent conversation about what those things are with people who lump us into “dudebro” status. We are all violent mouth breathers, and if you point out the art/technique/beauty of the sport you’ll get called a fag. It’s hilarious.
lmao, you’re on Kotaku.
If you think being knocked out is the only way the head/brain take damage, you are mistaken.