It’s not the full version though.
It’s not the full version though.
It’s not the full version though.
It’s not the full version though.
Yes but that version is not a full version.
Yes but that version is not a full version.
Driveclub appears to be $46 bucks dudes.
Driveclub appears to be $46 bucks dudes.
CAPTAIN SEMANTICS: He knows exactly what you mean but will tell you what you meant.
Or maybe he was making a light joke, ease up.
When a plane crashes at an airshow, that’s the whole point right? I mean fuck, anyone hurt doing anything is asking for it right?
Get out there with your awesome Aquaman hair and show em how it’s done, Vagsmashed.
Fun at parties ^
Crazy talk.
So you didn’t play Origins...
Agreed! All great.
I agree 100%. I’ve always thought that Rage suffered more because of Fallout 3 and Borderlands preceding it. A lot of people went into it expecting it to be like one of either of those and kinda missed the charm/fun because they were constantly comparing. “It’s like F3 without any of the depth/too linear” “It’s like…
Ok. Moving right along. Have a nice 4th of July weekend.
I love all the judging going on. People seem to have missed the “was” part of your comment. When I was a kid I burned ants with a magnifying glass and my brother and I would throw caterpillars at our friends who would hit them with baseball bats. Proud to say I’m not a serial killer or a bad person. Being a kid is…
Fell asleep….
You will, cause you’re that guy! Up bright and early to reply to a thread from yesterday afternoon, long after it was dead and everyone had moved on. Make sure you dig this up again tomorrow/during the weekend to. Hop on someone else’s nuts because they use “five years” in a way that you disagree with lmao.
Love Kessel and hate that I have to cheer against him now because FUCK PITT.
^ still so upset and bent out of shape! yikes.
LMAO ^ you’re definitely upset.