
Identify the cheat. The only cheats are all panning out the people that tried to subvert our nation. 

Good, now if he would legalize shooting every invader on the spot. 1000 people invading the country on the spot isn’t ok.  They should be lucky we aren’t killing millions of them for supporting the invasion we are facing. 

I see you have a single digit IQ.

This entire shit stain blog is wrong 90% of the time.

The US has a ship that would like to have a conversation with you.

Because socialism is cancer and Mexico is a socialist racist paradise. They hate everyone with native blood and they basically ban foreign investment.

You are especially retarded. I see you are a communist. Which by default means you are low IQ.

Fake news. Russia only was able to mount a defense because the US flooded them with equipment.

I see you are extremely low IQ. That NPC programming won’t serve you long.

If they posture against the US they are definitely relevant. If they can’t target Hawaii or Alaska with any sustained means they have minimal deterrent against the US. Their nuclear deterrent is small because nobody expects them to be bold enough to actually start a nuclear war and the US is not an aggressive nation.

Because they are too stupid to understand they are a hostile force in this world.

Fake news.

I see you are low IQ and don’t understand the president is highly effective.

And I would say you are low IQ. Unless you mean Islam.

You must be especially retarded if you don’t see how US hegemony benefits the world. It’s almost like Pax Americana is a real thing and there is a reason the phrase exists. You might be too stupid to know that though.

It’s almost like NATO countries told Bush and Obama to fuck off meanwhile when Trump said it they spent more.

I see you are retarded. China. China is trying to subvert global order.

Russia would be doing the US a service using those torpedoes against California cities and NYC.

How much and where.

Trump’s speech was approved of by 2/3rds of all Americans or more.