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Guessing she is getting press because she is Lindsey Vonn. Wondering if Deadspin covered Scott MaCartneys crash at Kitzenbuehel in 08?

From what I know about jumping ATV's, Dirt Bikes and Snowmobiles is that throttle brings the nose up, braking brings the nose down. Dunno is the same applies for cars.

Have some fucking class people. Making a mockery out of someone's death is not funny, even if it is somehow in good spirits. Imagine how you would feel if you had to bury your brother or son.

Fuck You

There are a lot of people that watch the X-Games.

Yes but it's not aired on TV. I wish there was a dedicated ESPNX Channel or something.

I want to bring up Sarah Burke as well. She died doing skiing freestyle areals. Jamie Pierre, jumped a 250ft cliff on skis, then died inbounds at a resort in Utah. Arne Backstrom, a well known extreme skier that died in the back country of Peru. Shane McConkey died in Italy one a ski jump cliff to wing suit glide

It's the only chance our sports gets any air time at all. It is why everyone goes so much bigger at X Games. Profesional Skiers, Boarders and Sledders get any respect from the outside world. When's the last time you've seen a snowcross race or a slope style run on TV, besides X-Games? Never. Here's my opinion on what

Electric Cars just need really really really big tires. Like 60s. It would triple the range of a car with 20s. Gearing works like that right? /s

My friend got a 15 day repair notice for his Night Shaded tail lights on a pick-up.

Packers used to play in Milwaukee. Their blood bleeds Green and Gold.

I Like this article. It is very neutral, it explains what happened. It didn't criticize the GOP or the Democrats. It was very respectful and didn't scream socialist or fascist at anyone. Good job Patrick. Keep up the great writing, it is always nice seeing an article about politics that isn't heavily biased,

You know what else costs Airliners money? Having their planes sit in a runway for 10 hours while they charge. Instead it could be full of fuel in a half hour and back in the air making bank.

My only problem with that is I hate having coins jingling around in my pocket. I'd rather have a dollar bill.

What can you fit in that bed, that you couldn't fit in it, if it were just an SUV without a third rom.

My Dad's getting me a new fly-rod for Christmas. The amount of hours I will spend with that thing in my hand will be staggering. I can't wait to love it.

The kid that Got an iPhone 5, a PS3 and the keys to a honda is bitching? I don't get it. That Honda will never die, they just don't ever die ever.

And the bridge still isn't done. They have all the ramps done, but not the fucking bridge.

You money is awesome because it's completely tear resistant, Imagine how awesome those puppies would be for vending machines, if you had singles.

I argue to third. My dad said he pulled out to make a right turn on Red, when the right lane was clear and a truck decided to move into the right lane, without signaling, totaling my Dads Dodge Ram Charger.