
I LOVE THIS ARTICLE!!!! MATT BUCHANAN YOU DIRTY DOG THIS IS OLD GIZMODO RIGHT HERE. I read this and immediately smiled. Good journalism, you reported on something then told us what you thought was going to happen. THIS IS GREAT! If we could still heart users I would heart you.

Don't feed trolls, don't piss off Jezzies, never hit on Rosa and don't say something dumb to Jesus or Tony and you'll have no problem keeping it. ;)

I parked my truck outside for a week while on vacation and opened the door to see a mouse run under the seat. I threw a few dryer sheets under the seats and found it dead on top of one the next mourning. That shits like rat napalm.

CONGRATS ON THE STAR. 1+ For knowing what your are talking about.

Make it thicker.. Go for the same thickness as the iPhone 4

If someone makes a 8====D ring I will buy ten.

Good man. Most artists are good people. The non whack jobs.

I don't get it why Apple doesn't throw their iPhone 4 Camera in the iPod touch. They could really take away the need for teens to have an ipod touch and a digital camera in their pocket.

Tis would be perfect for hard core Red Bull Vodkas.

Rich People normally are wise with their money. They don't buy 125$ Axes either.

My Grandpa owned a creamery in his day. He said when the Rabbi came and blesses the cream cheese he would leave his car running, walk into the storage warehouse, mumble some words and walk out. It took him like thirty seconds.

Long boarding is the shit

Ahh well cowboys will lose because John Wayne is dead.

You looked damn good for 114.

I can be reasonable

North Face is over priced shit. Better? No wool, not very waterproof means no go for me.

The money goes to Non- Government hunting organizations and your first comment is untrue. How do I know though right? We'll I'm a hunter and I kill animals. I am a huge conservationist and was the first in line picketing this developmental company from building on a massive wetlands and destroying 400 Acres of prime

If that was me all that would be heard on the radio - Holy Fuck, you guys gotta see this.

Seriously North Face is shit. It's just over priced colombia. It isn't super warm or ultra water proof. If you are looking at getting good ski or snowboard wear take it from someone who was a ski bum for a month. Cloudveil and Mountain Hard Wear are where its at.